Oral Surgery and Dentures

My problems started about 3 or 4 years ago when my wisdom teeth started to come in. I've had bouts of pain that can last up to a week and a half, also swelling in my lower jaw area and it will switch from the right to left sides.

My teeth have been chipping and breaking off more and more lately. The last was my left front tooth and it broke off half way. One time I was just chewing a piece of gum and a part of my tooth got stuck in the gum. The infections and the pain are becoming more and more frequent and more and more unbearable.

I've seen a dentist and most of my teeth need out and some have broken so close to the gum line I'll need them cut out which will be that much more expensive. My bottom front can probably be saved and then just a partial on the bottom, but I'll need a full plate on the top.

I am 25 years old and currently unemployed and trying to go back to school. I want to go into a job interview and have a smile I can be proud of and that can be the smile of the company. I'm so ashamed to even get to close to anyone afraid they will see my broken black rotting teeth and I can't take the pain it like nothing I've ever felt. Please help me to be able to chew and eat something other than oatmeal and have a beautiful smile.

Cortney Miller
Boone, North Carolina

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