OMG !!!! I Can't take the dental pain anymore!

Hi, I am a single Mom of three who left an abusive situation 5 years ago, I had medicaid, but because my ex got a reduction in his child support I now have NO dental insurance, I have had some work done, thanks to the help of friends and family, but I wear a bottom partial that was poorly made, and it always hurts, and it is also rotting the teeth around it.

I also have severe rheumatoid arthritis and take many medications every day, which gives me dry mouth and now behind all my top teeth are cavities. I cannot sleep at night, I walk around the house crying because of the pain, Eating ??? Let's not even go there ....

Please someone if you know where I can get some help. I would appreciate it. Life is not worth loving when your in this much pain sometimes, but I have 3 beautiful children, that make it worth it. My self esteem is shot, I hate to even open my mouth, although, I am, or used to be a very pretty woman.

I live in New Jersey, if you can help, I would take full dentures, I would rather have NO teeth than the ones I have. If You are generous enough to do pro bono, or a dental school. I would love implants.....That would be a dream come true. I feel like I will be alone raising three kids the rest of my life, because of my so called smile .... Thanks for reading, and I pray to God every night for a miracle.

Pennsauken, NJ

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