My name is Jennifer and I'm a wife and mother who, unfortunately, was a meth addict for 8 years. Four years and one month ago, by the grace of God, I had, had enough and quit using Meth cold turkey and never looked back. One year and 2 days ago, I quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey and no longer have the urge to smoke.
I gained a lot of weight during the past 4 years and now go to the gym regularly and walk 3 miles every day and eat right. I am well on the road to a new me and I am excited! The only problem that I have now is that because of my past Meth addiction, I have lost several teeth and my remaining teeth look so terrible that I am too embarrassed to smile. When I laugh or smile, I cover my mouth or keep my mouth closed.
I cannot afford insurance and even if I could, I need so much pre-existing dental work that I will not be approved. I got an exam by a reputable dentist who told me that I needed 6 crowns over gold, across my top front teeth. I also need a few extractions, a few cavities filled and I am missing several teeth that are kind of hidden (I am not too worried about replacing those). I have overcome so many obstacles and am excited to live life to the fullest and be healthy for the first time in years. The icing on the cake to me would be to be able to fully smile again.
I am not asking for free dental work but for a dentist who will allow my husband and I to make reasonable monthly payments, possibly $150 - $200 a month. We always pay our bills on time. If anyone knows of a dentist who can be of help to me please let me know. I live in the Riverside, California area. Thank you!
Jennifer Garcia
Riverside, California