My Root Canal at Everett Dental Clinic

by Lawanda Simeona
(Everett, Wa.)

I had a problem with a tooth, and being new to the area, I chose Everett Dental Clinic for treatment. I was seen and was told they would try to save the tooth. Since I'm retired, this was good news to me.

When I return for treatment, I was numbed up, and then waited a half an hour, while the dentist, J. Hong, worked on someone else. She would eventually perform a root canal and crown procedure on me.

When the crown was inserted, I told her I there was still feeling on the tooth when it was tapped. I would return to Everett Dental Clinic 3 more times for x-rays, eventually being referred to an Endodontist.

The cost of the original endo and crown was $1506.00. After the endo consultation, I was informed that I would have to have another root canal performed for an additional $103.00 for the evaluation, and $999.00 for the treatment. Fortunately, the Endodontist was able to save the original crown dental student Hong had made.

I would like a refund for at least some of the money I spent. I am also looking for a new dentist.

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Root Canal at Everett Dental Clinic
by: Kathleen

I would suggest that you contact the Clinic Manager of the clinic where you retreated to discuss a refund for the root canal that was not performed adequately. In many cases, if patients need to be transferred from a General Clinic to a Specialty clinic, any monies received from the General Clinic should be transferred towards the cost of the Specialty Clinic fees.

You should refer to the Dental Complaints page for more information on how to handle problems when being treated at a Dental School.

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