Free dental implants (or very low cost implants), are sometimes offered for individuals who participate in research studies offered by a number of dental schools.
Research is a very important component of any healthcare organization, dental schools included. In this environment, dental faculty, residents and students are constantly involved in research work on diseases of the mouth and teeth. There is a consistent need to always look for ways to improve dental methods of treatment, as well as on dental materials and equipment.
As a participant, you can benefit in many ways. Some individuals can receive monetary compensation, as well as great new products and services. Dental schools benefit by having participants help them test products and/or procedures. As a result of dental research, the quality of dentistry is always improving.
In addition to free implants, patients often receive other expensive procedures for free or for significantly low cost. This includes teeth whitening studies using such innovative materials as gum or other products, as well as dental bonding materials. There are studies performed for dental crowns, fixed bridges and even some cosmetic dentistry procedures such as inlays, onlays and veneers.
One of the primary goals of this website is to provide you with current clinical research trials involving numerous dental procedures. View the current list of dental clinical trials for implants, tmj, smoking cessation, gum studies, etc.
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