Dental schools are a primary source for cheap dental care. The class sizes are typically large and because some patients tend to develop a history of missing appointments, there is a constant demand for patients. There is more flexibility for free dental work opportunities: dental grants, student exams, research projects, etc.
You may also find cheap dental care thru the school's community service efforts. This may involve annual screenings, free cleaning days or other activities targeting local community residents. You can also request discounts or payment plans from the clinic manager or facilitator - anyone responsible for the clinic's finances. But, while the main advantage is the amount of money you can save, there can also be some disadvantages in this type of setting.
One of the downsides to having treatment done in this setting is that dental treatment can take longer than that of private dental care. At a dental school, the primary dental provider is a dental student in training. There may be times when some stages of a dental procedure will need to be redone several times by a student before it is approved by a faculty member. There may also be instances of dental problems developing due to student or faculty negligence. If time is not a factor for you, then being treated at a dental school may be the best option for receiving cheap dental care.
For those who find time to be an issue or you simply prefer treatment from a private dentist but need assistance with finding cheap dental care, consider using a dental referral service, like 1-800-Dentist. Dentist referral services are designed to help you find an affordable dentist for your particular dental needs. Even if you choose the private dentist route, some may offer incentives or dental fee discounts. While some people argue that most dentists don't offer discounts or payment plans, don't let that stop you from asking. Dentists need patients. This is why more and more are becoming program providers in dental plan networks.
You should also look at other ways to pay for dental work: affordable dental insurance, low cost dental plans, and credit cards. Many people, including myself, have used credit cards to pay for dental work and, in the process, created our own payment plans. And if used with a dental plan, a credit card can actually help you can save even more!
In this age of blogging, you should even consider ways to help you earn money online to pay for dental work. Read about how I am earning money, while providing readers like you with information.
Next: Other resources for locating free and cheap dental clinics in your area.